
Integrating things with glamorous


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Here is an example of using glamorous with create-react-app.


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Here's a deployed example of using glamorous with Next.js. See the code here.


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Here is an example of using glamorous with jest.

✨ polished

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glamorous works with ✨ polished mixins, helpers, and shorthands:

const MyStyledParagraph = glamorous.p({
  fontSize: 20,
  color: lighten(0.5, '#000'),

You can also use object spread properties to apply more complex ✨ polished mixins directly onto glamorous components:

function GlamorousLogo() {
  return (
      border="2px solid"
      borderColor={mix(0.5, '#fff', '#000')}
      {...borderRadius('top', '5px')}


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glamorous works with styled-system helper functions.

Interactive demo


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A handy abstraction

With the built-in components, if you want to use pseudo-states, you have to use the css prop. If you'd rather not do that, then you can use glamorous-pseudo.


This was inspired by this tweet from @tkh44. Thanks!



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You can use glamor to define CSS and use the className to apply styles to a glamorous component. This is pretty handy for creating reusable style objects, or doing fun things like keyframe animations.

const { css } = glamor

// make the keyframes with glamor
const bounce = css.keyframes({
	'0%': { transform: `scale(1.1)` },
	'100%': { transform: `scale(0.9)` }

// create a component with style
const AnimatedDiv = glamorous.div({
	fontSize: 50,
	width: '100%',
	textAlign: 'center',

	// animate the div with the keyframes
	animation: `${bounce} 0.25s infinite ease-in-out alternate`



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glamorous creates simple components, if you'd like to enhance these components further, you can do so easily by wrapping them in a component yourself:

Example of wrapping a glamorous component

If that's a bit too much of a song and dance for you, then you might consider using recompose.



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This library supports preact out of the box. Just change module name from glamorous to glamorous/preact and you're all set.

If you don't want to type glamorous/preact every time, you can use webpack's resolve.alias or babel's resolver plugin to shorten the module name to your liking.

import { render, h } from "preact"
import { H1, Span } from "glamorous/preact"

const Heart = <Span color="tomato">❀</Span>

const App = () =>
  <H1 textDecoration="underline">
    glamorous {Heart} preact



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